It's been a while since I posted anything here, but here I'll be showing what I've been up to on the last months and what is to come. Now I wanna show some of the SketchBook Project (done by the people of www.arthousecoop.com at Brooklyn, NY), images I made...
En mi caso me tocó el tema "Abajo en tu calle", lo cual me pareció buenísimo ya que podría mostrar un poco las cosas que veo el dia a dia, o por lo menos cosas que nos caracterizan, pero a mi manera...
- Cualquier parecido con la realidad NO es pura coincidencia -
In my case I got the theme: "Down your street", which I thought it was excellent because this way I could show a little of what I see every day, or at least things that distinguishes us, but my own way...
- Any resemblance to reality is NOT purely coincidental -
Invitado especial y gran amigo / Special guest and great friend
Invitado especial y gran amigo / Special guest and great friend
Portada y contra-portada / Cover and back-cover
Madera balsa pintada con acrílico / Plywood painted with acrylics
Afiche plegado interno / Folded poster on the inside