


My brodah

With my bro "El Mai" in Houston, heading to the Stone Temple Pilots concert.


Just trying out posting from my phone.


Another try-out.


AUSSIE's iPhone pics _01.2

Ya mostaré lo que esta en ese sketch.
I'll show you later what's inside that sketchbook.

AUSSIE's iPhone pics _01.1

Algunas fotos que tomé con el telefono allá en .au
Some photos I took with the phone there in .au

Happy Start...

Comenzando el año en Australia, salieron unas ideas que espero poder realizar por ahi (ya que soy poco constante).
Mientras aqui pongo una madera que me gustó bastante como quedó...
Starting the year in Australia, came some ideas to head that I hope to perform sometime ('cause I'm not to constant).
Meanwhile here I give you a piece of wood that I'm pretty happy with...